Thursday, January 7, 2010

jia you someone special

jia you , to my friend who is having exam today .Gambatek , do ur best in the exam .Dun make urself regret after the exam n take care . Muackzzz.. 4156831968. dun understand ? sms me after u c this massage ba

The broken heart ..

Actually i had wrote one article which have the title with this one ( the broken heart ) the article is mainly about someone who i deeply fall for .(but for sure now no more) ..but this article is more about who hurt me deeply recently.

As what we learnt ,friendship is forever ..but, today I'm sad enough to anounce that , in the true fact , friendship will never is not really last long. When i look backthe pass im so silly that though freindship is forever, hence , i tried my best to fullfill my friends wishes .But at the end what i get? i don't want their appreciation, i don't want their respect .What i want is just they take me as their friend .

I'm sorry zi hao , i promised to post up some joyful post yet , i stil post this up . Sorry. This post just a kind of expression .To express my sadness and anger toward who who just scolded my in facebook and a guy who misunderstand what i mean .

Monday, February 2, 2009


记忆是如此甜美的, 每当我想起与班上同学们所渡过的点点滴滴时,脸上不禁露出一丝丝的笑意。回忆里,我们这一班有一群特别的 "大人物" 坐镇,令我们这两年来的每一天都过得精彩。其中,想必令大家记忆最深刻的一定是我们肯为我们大家两臂插刀,经常都是韧劳韧冤为我们服务的班长吧!他就是我们班顶顶大名的“大只佬”lo..不明白为什么他终爱秀出他粗壮的中指见人。另外,我们班上也有不少小开。有的家里开连锁蛋糕店,可是有点吝啬,死都不肯给我们diskaun voucher。有的家里开连锁商店。不但入此,我们班也有一群貌美如花的千金小姐,其中还有一个是住在Setia Alam 的,但很可惜她已经回Sabah 了,她走了以后,就再也没有回来探望我们了,你们讲啦,酱bo 心的人,haiz肯定是因为Sabah 帅哥比较多。千万不能少推荐的必定是不断为校争光的一份子啦!我们这一班有篮球手la,足球手la, robotic手la, 吉它手la,舞林高手la,钢琴手la,还有还有校花也有。其中我们班的校花最出名了,全form 5 无人不晓。当她唱-「听海」时唱腔神似台湾天后张慧妹,保证你听了吓倒你,想必大家也知道有天后一定有天王我们班的天王正是这位天后的男朋友,他就是歌神----伟伦了。另外,我们班也有几位运动健将。其中有一位看他矮矮这样绝对没有人会想到他是一位篮球高手,不但如此听说他也是足球队的top scoreler。另外,还有几位足球手也不比他逊色,其中,有一位更是格外帅气.他的名又很特别又有添又有水.他为人随和,难怪我们ashslyn对他又爱又狠.另一位更使是风度偏偏,帅气逼人但却喜欢照mirror ..所以被封为mirror boy. 更值得一提的是,如果少了他,班上就变得很安静的了,我想大家都心里有数他使谁.他时常捣蛋,让班上同学都哭笑不得.还有一位更特别,时常嘴里含金, 但说起话来一鸣惊人,让全班都大吃一惊,他就是"一号",Pn pua "开子"哈哈..